Included on this page
Strategic Planning
The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 require a local government to prepare a local planning strategy for each local planning scheme that is approved for land within the district of the local government. A local planning strategy must be prepared in a manner and form approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission.
The Local Planning Strategy sets the objectives and long-term planning directions for the Town to ensure a suitable supply of appropriately zoned land to accommodate future population change and economic development over a 15 year period. This document is key in shaping ‘where, why and how’ of future planning and development outcomes in the Town of Claremont.
Town of Claremont Local Planning Strategy
The Town's existing Local Planning Strategy which was endorsed by the the Western Australian planning Commission in 2011 can be found at the below link:
Review of Local Planning Strategy
Following on from the survey and community consultation events held in mid-2021, the Town prepared a draft Local Planning Strategy for Council’s consideration.
At its Ordinary Meeting dated 14 June 2022, Council resolved to adopt the draft Local Planning Strategy for the purpose of forwarding it to the Western Australian Planning Commission for certification and requested permission to extend the formal public advertising period from 21 days to a minimum of 60 days.
The documents were submitted to the Western Australian Planning Commission on 20 June 2022.
The Statutory Planning Committee of the Western Australian Planning Commission is now required to review the draft Local Planning Strategy to determine if the documents should be certified for the purpose of proceeding to advertising.
Once the Town receives certification, the draft Local Planning Strategy will then be publicly advertised by the Town where community members may make formal comment. Further updates on this project will be provided in due course.
Structure Plans
Structure Plans provide a basis for zoning (including residential density) and subdivision of land.
Title |
Overview |
Link |
Draft Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan |
Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) guide the preparation and assessment of planning proposals for areas that require a high level of planning and design. State Planning Policy 4.2 (SPP 4.2) identifies Claremont Town Centre as a Secondary Centre in the hierarchy of activity centres across Perth, and as such, a PSP is required to guide future development. Following public consultation, at its 28 June 2022 Ordinary Meeting, Council endorsed a draft PSP for the Claremont Town Centre, which has been forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for its determination. The PSP, if approved by the WAPC, will form the basis of proposals for a new Local Planning Scheme No. 4 (LPS4), and the creation/review of supporting Local Planning Policies (LPPs) to guide future development in the locality. |
Draft Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan |
North East Precinct Structure Plan and variations. |
Original Structure Plan for the North East Precinct adopted by Council and the Western Australian Planning Commission to guide the future subdivision and development of the precinct. Summary of variations approved by the WAPC. |
Loch Street Precinct Structure Plan |
The Loch Street Station Precinct Structure Plan adopted by Council, pending endorsement by the Western Australian Planning Commission, to guide the future subdivision and development of the precinct. |
Draft Claremont Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan |
The Draft Claremont Town Centre Precinct Structure Plan seeks to provide a planning direction for the Town of Claremont’s Town Centre. |
Local Development Plans, Design Guidelines, and Payment in Lieu of Parking Plan
Local Development Plan (LDPs) were formerly referred to as Detailed Area Plans (DAPs) and are an important planning tool that can include specific residential design requirements that supplement the provisions of State Planning Policy 7.3 – Residential Design Codes.
State Planning Policies
The State Government has a range of policies, position statements and planning bulletins to guide and control the development of land.
State Planning Policy 3.6 - Development contributions for infrastructure
Local Planning Policies
Local planning policies are the adopted position of the Council on various planning matters which either expand on the requirements in the Local Planning Scheme or provide direction on those matters where the scheme enables the Council to exercise discretion. The Polices are used to assess applications for subdivision and/or development.
Development Assessment Panels
The Town of Claremont forms part of the Metro Inner-North Development Assessment Panel (DAP). DAPs will meet and determine development applications within certain class and value thresholds set in the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011
JDAP assessment is based on the cost of development as follows:
- Optional DAP applications – Developments that have an estimated cost of $2 million or more and less than $10 million, or
- Mandatory DAP applications - Developments that have an estimated cost of $10 million or more
Where an application is determined by a DAP the Town does not issue a separate Development Approval and the DAP can approve or refuse the development in accordance with the Town’s Local Planning Scheme and other relevant legislation and policies.
Please click here for the DAP Minutes and Agendas where the details of the applications are located.