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Heritage Listings & Development Controls

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Heritage Listings

The Australian Heritage Council is the principal adviser to the Commonwealth Government on heritage matters. The Heritage Council maintains the National Heritage List of those places considered significant to the whole of Australia.

The National Trust of Australia (WA), a non-profit community organisation, maintains a list of Classified Places. There is no additional statutory protection afforded to places on this list, but Development Applications for places included on the Town’s Heritage List which have also been classified by the National Trust are referred to the Trust for comment.

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage maintains a register of places of cultural heritage significance to Western Australia called the State Register of Heritage Places. This affords protection to heritage places under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990. Places in Claremont on that Register include Claremont Railway Station, Claremont Post Office, Claremont Teachers College and Christ Church.

Under the Heritage Act 1990 local governments are required to identify places of local heritage significance in a Local Heritage Survey (formerly know as Local Government Inventory and Municipal Inventory).

Entry in the Local Heritage Survey alone does not afford the place statutory protection. Clause 8 of part 3 of the deemed provisions for heritage contained in Schedule 2 the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015  requires the Town to maintain a list of buildings, objects and places known as the Heritage List (formerly known as the Heritage Schedule). Clauses 25(3) and 79 of Town Planning Scheme No.3 provides protection for properties contained in the Heritage List.

Heritage List

Heritage Survey

The Town’s Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List must be viewed in conjunction with the Town’s policies which take into account heritage matters.

Heritage Policies

  • Local Planning Policy 123 - Retention of Residential Character
    396.66 KB
  • Local Planning Policy 124 - Heritage
    376.22 KB
  • Local Planning Policy - 208 Bay View Terrace Heritage Area
    413.75 KB
  • Local Planning Policy 209 - Claremont Crescent Heritage Area
    393.59 KB

Enquiries relating to the Local Heritage Survey or Heritage List should be directed to the Town's Heritage Officer.

Developing State Registered Properties

Some places listed on the Schedule are also included on the Heritage Council of Western Australia’s State Register of Heritage Places and protected under the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990. All development applications for registered places must be referred to the Heritage Council for comment. The Town of Claremont must take into account the Heritage Council’s comment’s when assessing applications for such places.

Demolition Controls

Demolition of any building or place listed in the State Register of heritage Places or the Town's heritage List within the Town of Claremont requires Development Approval. Generally, Council and the Heritage Council will not approve demolition of a place on these lists unless it can be demonstrated to be of little cultural significance.

Additions and Alterations

Special care must be taken to design additions that compliment the listed building in scale, form, massing and window arrangement. As well, new work should be done in such a way that makes it easily distinguishable from, and complementary to, the existing.

Some things to consider when making additions and alterations to a heritage property are:

Is the property suitable for your needs? Large enough? You may not be able to undertake the scale of alterations and/or additions you may need for the future? Have you looked at the history of the property? It will assist you in understanding why your place was listed.

Make a list of your property's heritage attributes. To establish how your property can be changed will require a full and frank understanding of the heritage significance of your property.

Contact Council before drawing up plans. You are encouraged to discuss the possibilities for retention and development of your property with our Heritage Officer prior to applying for Development Approval.

Consider the traditional details of the building. The use of traditional materials and profiles is not only preferable but generally looks best.

Avoid over-restoration. The sense of age and attractive quality of your building might be removed.

Avoid mock heritage restoration. If you build in a simple, modern, sympathetic style there will be no confusion as to what is original and what isn’t and it will add to the historical sequence of your building.

Think Creatively

To assist people that are considering developing their listed properties, Council provides a free heritage advisory service. Contact the Heritage Officer on (08) 9285 4300 to access this service.

Please refer to our heritage overview section to refer to our heritage policies.

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