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Pest Control

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Mosquito species which breed around residential properties can be controlled by households in a number of ways. To prevent breeding around your home, identify and remove all sources of stagnant water or if this is not possible, the Town of Claremont recommends that a thin layer of Paraffin oil be added to the stagnant water to prevent the survival of mosquito larvae. To protect your home, place flywire on all doors and windows.
Further information is available at the following: Department of Health - Mosquitoes click here

Rats and Rodents

Rats pose a major risk to human health as they assist in the transmission of serious diseases.
There are several measures that may be taken in order to minimise the likelihood of harbouring rats:
1.   Store firewood away from the sides of sheds and fences and keep it off the ground.
2.   Keep your yard clean and tidy.
3.   Remove fruits and vegetables from trees/bushes/vines as they ripen.
4.   Block all potential access points around the building.
5.   Keep pet food dishes clean and keep pet food containers sealed.

Should you find that there is an increase in rat numbers on your property, it is advised that, in conjunction with the above-mentioned methods, that poison baits be applied as these are the most successful in destroying rats and rodents.

The Town encourages the use of first generation baits to minimise potential impacts on other wildlife. Additionally, this information flyer from Bird Life Australia provides comprehensive information on bird-friendly pest control.


If a resident wishes to have and maintain a beehive, he/she must first register with the Department of Agriculture and Food WA.  The resident must then apply to the Town’s Environmental Health Services for approval.   Bees must not cause a nuisance to neighbouring properties, if this occurs approval will be withdrawn and penalties may apply.  The Bee Keeper must comply with the conditions of the approval. 

Wild bees typically swarm in the spring of each year prior to establishing new hives. The swarm will often remain for a day or two while scout bees search for a new home or it may move to another location.
Should a swarm decide to settle in your property -

  • Keep children and pets inside for half an hour or so, until the flying bees have clustered on to a bush or other object.
  • Once the swarm has formed a cluster, usually about the size of a football, and most of the bees have stopped flying, it is safe to go outside and carry on as normal.
  • However, keep clear of the swarm until you can arrange to have it removed.
  • Always wear footwear to protect your feet.

Do not put the hose onto the swarm, throw stones at it, smoke the bees or take similar action.  These “do-it-yourself” remedies will aggravate bees, encouraging them to sting in defence.

If you notice a bee swarm or hive on Council property e.g. public park, right of way, or street verge, that you think may be a public danger, you can contact the Town’s Health Services on 9285 4300.

European Wasps

European wasps, Vespula germanica, are native to Europe and have established in North America, South Africa, New Zealand and eastern Australia.  The control of this pest is undertaken by the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia (DAFWA). initiated its European wasp trap surveillance system in the summer of 1994, as part of its ongoing eradication program.
European wasps are considered an exotic pest and is commonly found in the eastern states but it has not established here in Western Australia. However, there is a real threat of the European wasps being transported here by freight in cargo crates and boxes of merchandise.
So DAFWA has a program of surveillance trapping and an eradication program targeting this species of pest.  Further information about reporting and identification of European Wasps can be found via the Department of Agriculture and Food click here
You can also contact the DAFWA Pest and Disease Information Line on 1800 084 881

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