The Town of Claremont invites submissions for RFT 03-2023 Provision of Reticulation Services.
24 May 2023
Less than 1 min read
The Town of Claremont invites submissions for RFT 03-2023 Provision of Reticulation Services.
A detailed request for tender document is available to interested parties. To obtain the tender documentation please visit www.claremont.wa.gov.au/business/tenders-and-eois.
Tender submissions must be lodged to toc@claremont.wa.gov.au by no later than 5pm, Wednesday 14 June 2023.
Contact person: Cloe Dolan, Manager Parks and Environment on 08 9285 4300 or toc@claremont.wa.gov.au.
Liz Ledger
Chief Executive Officer