Media Statement
Last week’s front page POST article ‘Deadly’ dog to walk free? has unnecessarily elevated community concerns around the management of dog attacks by the Town.
The incident that occurred at Lake Claremont on the morning of 24 January was immediately attended to by the Town’s Community Safety Officers as it was called in. Officers at this point in time learnt that the dog and owner resided in the Town of Cambridge, and under the provision of the Dog Act 1976, it is the local government in which the dog resides that has the authority to declare a dog dangerous.
On Tuesday 28 January, the Town of Claremont received a query from the POST newspaper in relation to the incident. As the Town was in the process of investigating the incident and gathering evidence, it was unable to advise the media as to whether to dog would be euthanised.
“It is up to the courts as to whether the dog is destroyed, not the local government,” said Ms Ledger, CEO Town of Claremont. “When asked by a journalist from the POST on Tuesday 28 January if the dog would be euthanised, this was not something I could advise”.
As the incident occurred in the Town of Claremont, Claremont’s officers started the investigation process of collecting evidence that could be used in a prosecution. This included taking statements from the victim and witnesses.
“I understand the POST article (‘Deadly’ dog to walk free?’) has caused concern amongst the Claremont community, as it has insinuated (even by the title alone) that Claremont was not taking the matter seriously”. Ms Ledger continued. “The Town takes community safety and responsible dog ownership very seriously, and I can confirm that following due process, a Prosecution Notice will be served on the alleged offending dog owner today.”
The court will consider the destruction of the dog and any applicable fines pursuant to the Dog Act 1976, which can be up to $10,000.