The Town of Claremont proposes to repeal the Fencing Local Law 2000 and replace it with the draft Fencing Local Law 2022.
The Town of Claremont proposes to repeal the Fencing Local Law 2000 and replace it with the draft Fencing Local Law 2022.
The purpose of the Fencing Local Law 2022 is to prescribe a sufficient fence and the standard for the construction of fences throughout the district.
The effect of the Fencing Local Law 2022 is to establish the minimum requirements for fencing within the district.
A copy of the draft Fencing Local Law 2022 may be inspected at or obtained from the following locations:
- Council Office – 308 Stirling Highway Claremont WA 6010
- Website - https://www.claremont.wa.gov.au/Council/Locals-Laws,-Policies-and-Delegation-Register
Submissions about the local law may be made to the Chief Executive Officer by no later than 5pm Friday, 18 November 2022 at:
PO Box 54
Claremont WA 6910
Liz Ledger
Chief Executive Officer